well I didn’t scrapbook today instead I drew. Inspired by Elizabeth Ruuska and Allison Strine and countless others, I made this 10" by 10" canvas for Sean, I had planned on giving it to him as a going away present in a couple of weeks when we leave for Iceland, but will probably give it to him tomorrow instead. I had not drawn, drawn in ages and it felt good. I blocked the image onto the canvas using a photograph as a guide. I then realised I had no white paint so a trip to the shops where in order and library on the way. Well I was in the art store and saw the pastels section, and all ideas I had of using paints were out the door. I picked up a 48 pack of oil pastels that were on sale – for $2 more than the 24 pack! easy choice there. Got home and started on it. Oh I have had a ball! I am not entirely happy with how I drew Sean, especially his eye and the shadows on his face but for my first attempt I am mighty proud, Mum thought it was cool too 🙂
If you can’t tell which photo this is inspired by lol you can look here – Curious Thought.
HOLY COW. you are such a talented little lady. i loved the photo, but man that painting is just as cool, if not cooler. you are cool. cool people are cool.
I surfed here from another blog and loved looking at your artwork! I think the pastel picture is awesome! I hope you don’t mind that I linked you to my blog. I think others would enjoy reading your stuff! Kristi
Wow Hels, I love watching you re-energising and creating!! A wonderful process.
Cool painting! 🙂
WOW!!!!! THat is AWESOME! You’re inspiring me! I feel like staying up and playing tonight! Great job! You should be proud of this one! Aren’t oil pastels fun? I hadn’t used them until recently but really like them! -Elizabeth
I knew straight away which photo this creation came from – send some of that creativity down this way girlie. Didn’t realise you were heading overseas – have a wonderful time!!! Hugs…
wow – helen!! How creatic and artistic!! i love it.
LOL- i just did a impulse purchase on some new pastels, as well. aren’t they just so yummy sitting, all new, in thier package? i need to use them, huh?
I am glad I found your blog!
this is uber cool!
WOW!! I’m so inspired by YOU!! This is totally cool – love those color choices… CREATE on!
Very very cool!! Belongs in an art gallery, for sure!