lupines, adorable kids and megadeth

Yesterday oh it was an adventure. (pictures are coming, still figuring out Karl’s computer, have so many I want to share)

We picked up the rental car, Since Pabbi is hopeless with directions and driving, and Mum is good with both, it meant that Pabbi had to drive ( I am not allowed to drive it, though I can navigate). Now I do know that driving in an unfamiliar place is not fun and on the other side of the road. I will not say much more other than it was one very big adventure. I will say this however, when you are told to go 3/4 of a way round a round a roundabout, that does not mean you go 1/4 of the way round.

Lupines (Lupinus nootkatensis) are an introduced plant to Iceland and in all sense are a weed like Lantana is in Australia, however at the moment the hills round the place are covered in a sea of blue. I love it!!! Why go to Texas to see bluebonnets when you can go to Iceland??? Also saw some poppies along the road as well but no where as many as the lupines.

After going to the town hall to show to Matthew, Mum and Pabbi the 3D Topographical map of Iceland that took four guys four years to make (made out of 1mm thick paper), we walked round the town a little picking up tourist brochures, we looked at part of an amazing public photo exhibition called “Faces of the North” which is photos of people from Iceland, Greenland and Faeroe Islands. When I find a link I will have to share, the photos are amazing black and whites, full of utter raw life, full of grain and contrast.

We then went back to Toti’s house where we met his family, his two little girls were quite shy at the start but after I started playing silly it was all a-ok. They are two of the most adorable girls. After eating a late lunch at 3pm, we headed over to Hafthor’s house to meet his little family for dinner at 6pm, Soley raced to meet me, I love Soley πŸ™‚ she is full of energy and it is her mission to teach me Icelandic, it started the last time I was in Iceland when we taught each other the colours and numbers in Icelandic and English.

Her classic line of the day, why can’t you speak Icelandic at the table, I can’t understand πŸ™‚ we all cracked up because at most tables both languages are spoken and it can be quite confusing. It is still a total crack up to see Karl speaking Icelandic.
Also met Hafthor and Sigga’s little boy Daniel, who has chicken pox at the moment, he is utterly adorable as well, had a ball playing with him and Soley. At one stage he had walked over to where the shoes were at the entryway and started playing with my pink cons so I grabbed the camera out but the little ham he is, he saw the camera and made a bee-line for it.

So many photos I want to share, one of my favs is one Matthew took on my camera of me with Silja, Birta and a girl from down the street called Kolla , all blurry because were moving but it is nice.

Anika had been given tickets to Megadeth at work yesterday and since she was unable to go she gave the tickets to Karl, Matthew and myself. Oh what a night! It was half filled with people with mullets, long hair and lots of black head banging and the rest people who had just came for a night out. Was not my kind of music at all but still it was an experience to see.

Still having troubles getting used to 24hr daylight as it is impossible to guess the time like you can back home!

Today we are going to hit up some shops, check out the grocery store (with two of us who work in grocery stores, Matthew and I always like to check out our respective departments at other stores).

Tonight I will hopefully present some photos from our trips so far.

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