Good Evening Tasmania!

Mum and I arrived in Hobart late on the evening of the 27th, from leaving Brisbane at 8am on Christmas Day till today we have encountered/done/etc

    2111km of driving
    a 10.5hr boat trip
    a night in Dubbo
    a night in Sunbury on the outskirts of Melbourne
    a visit to the radio telescope at Parkes, which you may know from the great Australian movie, The Dish
    countless miles of farm land
    a dominance of Coles Petrol stations in rural NSW when we had Woolies dockets
    The greeness of the rice paddies
    near empty roads heading south on the 25th and 26th
    lots and lots of Victorians (Mexicans) heading north on the same two days.
    Wathing the super-maxi Wild Oats XI cross the line and break the record in the Sydney-Hobart Yacht Race
    Holding the said Cup and having my photo taken with one of the crew members.
    Swaying in the wind and rain on the Tahune Air Walk
    Enjoying a Tasmanian BBQ with my cousins and their friends etc
    Taking in the historical/touristy ambience of Richmond

I think that covers most of the things that have happened in the last couple of days.

4 Replies to “Good Evening Tasmania!”

  1. I am so jealous … you are in one of my favourite places in the world…… don’t you just love Richmond. And I love being in Hobart when the boats come in.. the dock is so full of life.. cant wait to see your pics! And Happy New Year….

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