Good-Bye Holidays

Well the last semester of my four years as an undergraduate Arts student start today. I don’t start classes however until Wednesday as I am a good little Arts student who only goes to uni three days a week compared to my younger brother the Photonics and Nanoscience student who goes to uni five days a week.

Looking back on my list of things to do on the holidays there were some things I didn’t get to do but other things that were not on the list that I did do.

I made the top – Simplicity 4589.
I didn’t make pasta.
I did finish the new blog template.
I have cooked a fair number of the recipes I wanted to try but there is always more in the pile.
I haven’t learnt how to knit.
I have scrapbooked a bit.
I haven’t made any bags.
I haven’t gotten my bike serviced.
I have had a few mini photographic expeditions.
I didn’t get round to seeing Trivia at the Metro Arts.
I did go see Death Cab for Cutie with Sam last Thursday night and it was pretty rocking.
I did go to the Brisbane Flickr Meet up.
I got some photos printed and framed for a long overdue birthday present.
I have had fun.
I have earned heaps for mula.
I have organised all my newspaper clippings into a book.
I hit up the shops with Andrea.
I didn’t go out at all with Sam.
I have played a bit of Gamecube with Matthew.
I didn’t do anything with “The girls from School” but I did see Kaliope last Tuesday when I got my hair cut at the salon where she works and we had gelato afterwards.
I have read quite a few of the books that were on my shelf.

Things I didn’t plan on doing but did.
I had not planned to write up two weeks worth of notes from the Iceland Megatrip of 2005, the other two weeks will have to wait till November when exams are over. This took up a lot of holiday time but I enjoyed doing it.
Stocking up with DVDs each week on $1 Tuesday so Mum and I could have a movie night almost every night.
Cleaning out stuff in my room (well I guess I knew I would do this but it wasn’t planned).
Going out to dinner at Hog’s Breath Cafe with three of my closest scrapbooking buddies.
and other things that by now I can’t recall

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