
#thissundaylife almost forgotten.<br />
A day filled with other people's spreadsheets.<br />
A battle not yet won.</p>
<p>Orchids from my #flowerauction flowers.<br />
#KleanKanteen because this girl gets dehydrated really easy in this weather.<br />
Art because, there could be art covering all my walls and it still wouldn't be enough.
#thissundaylife almost forgotten.

Orchids from my #flowerauction flowers.
#KleanKanteen because this girl gets dehydrated really easy in this weather.
Art because, there could be art covering all my walls and it still wouldn’t be enough.

Curtains for the balcony room

One old sari that I picked up from #woodford years ago + a gorgeous piece picked up at #natsinstacatchup from @midcenturyjo + ikea curtain wire = curtains for my studio.<br /><br />
Love how they dance in the breeze.

I struggle on what to call this room, if I’m speaking to family it is typically called Karl or Matthew’s old room as they used to live in it.

For me though is part guest bedroom, part study, part home office, part creating space, part second wardrobe.

When the house got re-painted I didn’t put the curtain rails back up. As it is no longer a bedroom it no longer needed block out curtains.

Instead I left the windows bare and let the light shine on in. If I needed curtains I would bulldog clip fabric to the window frames.

A trip to Ikea the other month I finally picked up some more Dignitet curtain wire and put it up.

A old sari that I picked up from a stall at the Woodford Folk Festival many moons ago serves as the curtain on the long side of the room and a length of green fabric is the curtain for the shorter side.

They dance quite perfectly in the breeze and run up and down the curtain wire when the wind gets up.

A very lovely and overdue addition to the room.











My plan for 1 photo and post every Sunday on a moment from that day.

I baked the #bread.<br /><br />
I grew the #tomatoes.<br /><br />

Breakfast today.

Bread I baked, Tomatoes I grew.

Tommy Toe tomatoes from my garden on grilled beer bread that I make once a week as a “sandwich/breakfast toast” loaf.

Very, very, very yummy.


Bulmers O’Clock

A hot afternoon spent in the garden.
A lazy evening spent on the patio with a blackcurrant Bulmers.
Dinner cooked by my little brother.

FY 2014

I’m an accountant now and as people at work love to say, we get two times a year we can make new year resolutions.

Instagram has most certainly taken over as the place where I post the random photos that actually once formed what was \random life. My long defunct photo log.  Still this little corner of the web means so much to me.  It has been part of my life for over eight years. So, so, so, so much has changed in those eight plus years.





Friday night we had the EOFY party at Cloudland and it was actually the first time that I have ever been to Cloudland. Three has been many failed connections and aborted plans over the years but on Friday night it finally happened.

What am I planning for FY 2014?

  1. Biting the bullet and getting chooks for my backyard.
  2. Doing a big clean out of stuff that has accumulated round the house.
  3. Fix the record player.
  4. Create more.
  5. oh and eating a lot of pumpkins.


It is resolved that for the year ending 30 June 2014, Helen will not be concerned about trying to catch up with all those photos she has never posted or the drafts that never got finished. It was further resolved that Helen will blog the present.

Rumour Has It

I’m struggling to write at the moment more like the last year I’ve struggled. I spent some time recently looking through old blog posts and gosh I used to write. Now I struggle to craft a few sentences into something resembling a story.

I’ve just spent the last ten  minutes trying to write an opening sentence about Saturday night. Instead I’ve written the above.


Saturday night, I went to the Judy. ahh, the Judy for a show called Rumour Has It: Sixty Minutes Inside Adele. Sam was in town so she came along, as did one of the nursies from my old work and her daughter. It wass a fantastic show. I would go as far to say that Naomi Price live was better than the Adele studio recordings. I like Adele, she write a good song and has an amazing voice but I often feel listening to the studio work that it’s just a little too equalised. I love music with good dynamics. Music where you know the singer is feeling those words from their toes to the every strand of hair on their head.

Naomi Price brought that oomph into the songs of Adele on Saturday night along with some cabaret comedy, some sass and some all round good times.

If you are in Noosa for the Long Weekend Festival or Melbourne for the Cabaret Festival, I strongly suggest getting tickets and going along to see an ah-mazing show.