what a weekend

From De Jah Groove to Jimmy Barnes to Kaya to Women in Docs to everything between I have had a rather fun filled crazy weekend at Caloundra for the inaugural Caloundra Music Festival for which I had the crazy pleasure of photographing for city council.

I have had a brief look at my photos and yeah going to be sharing a few over the coming while. Here is one that sums up Sunday arvo on the foreshore, kicking back to those crazy Dé Jah Groove boys. Other times it was getting hot and sweaty on the floor at the Kings Beach Tavern or listening to a blend of the waves and some magical voices at Tanja’s. Great times.

Dé Jah Groove

Target 140 refined

Well it is now a bit over three months since the Water Commission formally introduced Target 140. When I did the last post on our water usage the Brisbane average was 137L per person per day. That has now dropped to 133L. Our water usage in that period has dropped from 77L per person per day to 54L. In the next period I/we are going to try to reduce that to 35L as that would mean that we would be doing Target 140 for the whole house instead of per person.

For the entire 3mths that this advice note reports on, our washing machine has been fed off the rainwater tank 100%. It is dead easy to reduce your water use and we don’t have aerators on our taps, we don’t have a water efficient shower head and our toilet rigged to use less water by the shampoo bottles full of water inside it. If we did have these we would quite possibly reduce our use even more. It is just a matter of taking a millisecond when you turn on a tap or step into the shower to reduce what you use.

Water Advice

Mum and her Binoculars

A collection of photos from the weekend showing Mum and her Binoculars (Canon of course). There was so many things to look at: birds on the water, birds on the beach, birds in the trees, plants in the distance, the list goes on.

Mum with Binoculars 1 Mu<a class=Mum with Binoculars 3 & our kayak Mum with Binoculars 4 m with Binoculars 2″ />

If there had been someone else there with a camera, they could have quite easily taken the same number of photos of me with my camera 😀

Young & Restless

Last Wednesday night I went to see Young & Restless for The Dwarf and I was quite blown away by Y&R. I only found out at the last minute that I was indeed going along, I had a little listen on myspace and was like yeah not too shabby. Live though they put on a fantastic show with lots and lots of energy 😀
Supporting them were two Brisbane bands Stature::Statue and Twist Oliver, Twist!.

on the beach, North Straddie

Self-portrait on the beach

Mum and I spent the weekend paddling round Moreton bay, exploring some of the islands, seeing turtles, a dugong(!!!), a large flock of swans and a lot or new tidal marine creatures. It was the most glorious weekend and I am already planning our next big adventure in Moreton bay though we need to get some more open water experience before then. There was some rather unpleasant winds forecast though they never really eventuated so the paddling was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be on Saturday morning when we departed.

Juicy, Juicy, Green Grass

Before Hi-5 and before The Wiggles there was Peter Combe and he is back with a toffee apple, playing the songs that he played to Aussie children in the late 80’s/early 90’s again, though now we are young adults. We still know the words, and with a bit of thought we can easily fold our newspaper hats again. He is coming to town on October 21st and I am dragging everyone I know along to it with newspaper hats of course, even my Mum is going to come along. We are still trying to drag Matthew along but unless we drag him there I don’t think we will have much luck. To say I am mildly excited would quite possibly be an understatement 🙂

Mum and I are not too sure if we ever saw him the first time round, though I am sure we probably did at some ABC Kids thing but I won’t be missing it this time 😀