Not just any Vegemite jar, 151/365. This is the Hartshorn salt jar. Empty because I finished off the supply we have making Loftkökur tonight.
This afternoon when I got home I rolled the rum balls and made the Loftkökur mixture. Tomorrow night I will bake the loftkökurs and the pfeffernüsse and possibly even roll the sunshine (apricot) balls. Friday night I will most likely make another batch of brittle and bake some of the biscuit dough in the freezer. Saturday and Sunday will see me bake biscuits and ice the lot of them. That should hopefully mean that by Sunday arvo all the Christmas baking will be done.
My eyes are currently telling me it is time to go to bed, the cake in the oven though is telling me something else. According to the recipe it still has about 10 mins to go, knowing my oven that could be anywhere between another 10 to 50 mins. I can smell the ginger wafting through the house and oh it smells good. This afternoon I also made my first batch of peanut brittle – should have doubled the recipe but other than that fairly good.
I came across a link to this dress on some blog the other day. Is it not just one of the most gorgeous dresses you have seen? I would love to wear this to a party and the ballet and dinner and the shops etc etc.
I had the day off today so I was able to attend (great) Aunty Lil’s funeral. As it always is with such things it was nice to see family that I hadn’t seen in a while but it always is nicer to catch up in more pleasant environments. Grandad is now the only one of his siblings left. He turns 90 in Jan.
I’m still breathing, still taking a photo a day (today is day 147!! when I tried the other year I only got to day 75). Christmas is just about upon us and as per usual I’m excited and planning all sorts of things. To bring things up to speed here are photos 62-147. Just a few! If you would prefer to be able to read the comments first, here is the Flickr link
I will post some more Bali and Sydney later.
24 + 6 minutes of fireworks, 56/365
I am very fortunate to have developed some very good mates through work and in some ways will be sad to see them posted back to base at the end of the year but that is the life of the ADF. For my birthday I was taken to Riverfire, and oh what a nice night it was. Fireworks, F-111 dump and burn, food, crazy chatter, crowds and a Chris Isaak concert. And of course watching The Roulettes as we drove in.
Washing, 57/365
Sunday, almost always a day of washing and ironing. This Sunday was a big wash as I started mentally packing my clothes for Bali.
Birthday headband, 58/365
This is one of the goodies I bought myself for my birthday. A very adorable handmade from Lupin Handmade
Breakfast, 59/365
With not very long now till I go to Bali, I am eating up my perishables left right and centre!
Screen Real Estate with Tony Mott, 60/365
I now have a 22″ widescreen on my desk. It is a big change from the 15″ wide screen on my laptop…. Whoa!!! Very much nicer for lounging on my bed watching TV or playing with photos.
Jacob’s Ladder, now in red, 61/365
They (the council) painted Jacob’s Ladder red as part of a small spaces program a little while ago. I keep on meaning to stop and take a photo each time I go to the ortho but forget…. I went to the ortho today and took the photo. The stairs look so cool now!