This evening, Mum and I popped into the Red Cross Blood Service in the city and gave blood for our second time together. Mum has donated whole blood heaps of times before and 3 months ago, I had my first donation with Mum and Karl.
My haemoglobin level the first time I gave blood was 121g/L(the min for females is 120g/L – I just scrape in) and in the allocated 15 mins I was not able to donate the 470mls, I think I was round 100mls short. I fainted the next morning and was unable to go to work, I am told – I have little memory of this happening.
Tonight again my haemoglobin level was 121g/L and I only was able to produce 380ml in my 15 mins, even after my chair was raised to full height in the name of gravity. I have band-aids on both arms as the first arm was an unsuccessful attempt (lots of pain) but the second one was fine.
Mum said she was suprised that I came again but even though I can’t stand giving blood, I dislike the needle going in, I dislike the pipe coming out my arm, my only strength is watching the number raise closer to 470mls in a race with Mum. I gave blood again even though it is not a pleasant experience for me, is because the hour or so I spend in at the donor centre is helping others, my donation can save up to three lives or contribute to 15 different forms of life saving or life improving blood products.
I am making a difference.
When was the last time you gave blood?