Well in a couple of short hours I will walk across a stage in the city and graduate. Here is a sneak peak of the dress Mum and I have made. You will have to wait till after I graduate to see the whole dress.
In other news last night I lost a tooth I never had. That is right my false tooth broke off my plate, so just like my formal photos were in High School, my graduation photos will also be toothless. Luckily, it was just the tooth part that broke off, so I will be able to keep wearing my plate till I can get to the Orthodontist. Not exactly how I wanted the day to start but I guess that is life with a false tooth.
or perhaps I should say 3 months is a little late but then it is my party and I’ll cry if I want to.
Yesterday, I had a party. There was rain, friends, food, fairy lights and good times. Leading up to yesterday evening I knew it was going to rain at some stage but I was wishin’ and hopin’ that it would hold off. It didn’t and it rained as people arrived and it rained as we ate nibblies and it rained again as we had dinner. By then all I was wishin’ and hopin’ for was that it would clear for dessert so we could bathe in the speckled light of 928 fairy lights strung up on the verandah. It did clear and we then finished off the night in a magical atmosphere on the verandah under the sea of fairy lights. As we eat the leftovers and take photos of the food I will post them. I can say now though that I was happy with the food and Karl’s Sangria recipe is very very very nice indeed.
I wanna sit and talk and laugh with you all
sugar and spice and all things nice
This was my birthday cake, but we didn’t sing Happy Birthday so is it still birthday cake or just a celebration cake? Hailing from the wonderful pages of the Dec 03/Jan 04 issue of Delicious is this very yummy Rosewater Cream Berry Meringue Stack. Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Cream and Rosewater, need I say more?
Out on the patio we would sit…
We’d watch the lightning crack over canefields
singing hail, hail, the gangs all here
From the school girls to the Indo Girl, to the 2nd year girls and then the 3rd year girls, these are the girls (plus a few absentees) who have in some way or another had an in influence into me growing into who I am today.
side by side one for all together we grew
Five years in bottle green, soccer/cricket/football games, sitting on the hill, playing music, doing group assignments, laugh central. Where else but in high school do you form a group of friends where the girls all have boys names for nicknames and are still used today? Fred/Candy, Doug/Kaliope and Guido/Dina and myself as Bill, I don’t think those times will ever be forgotten.
Hey Joe
Concerts, Movies, and lots of chilling and chatting. One year of Indonesian together, four years and counting of fun filled adventures and laughs.
they’re fun to have around
Really where do you start? The sweet little Nural who is both a 2nd year and a 3rd year girl who can always say something cute or Andrea, the girl who is me but not me (in her own words) or Rachy Rach (Marky Mark/Richie Rich) who is always up to having a rant about something and a good time.
one and one and one is three Some say she’s from Mars, I just say she does Law, Swinin’ down the street so fancy free, I just say she always has a smile. Clare and Georgie, the perfect pair to share my last year of uni with and the laughs have just kept coming since exams have finished.
It wasn’t so much a 21st birthday party 3 months late but a celebration of where I have come from and where I am going now, a celebration of the end of schooling for the current time, for the girls who have I have met along the way and for the old to meet the new and to kick back and have a nice time.
Well the clock says its time to close now
I know I have to go now
I really want to stay here
All night, all night, all night
(3 months is a leaky boat is of course a of course a play on the title of the fabulous Split Enz song Six Months in a Leaky Boat)
(and big props to anyone who knows any of the the songs where the captions come from)
In just nine days I will be hosting the biggest event of my life to date. Yep the 21st birthday party, much more classier than the 18th party because in those three years we have all matured a lot. In those nine days I have a lot left to do. Finalise the menu, start cooking, prepare the decorations and music and other little things. Though I don’t want to go into much detail before the event so those of you are coming are still suprised, it is shaping up to be a great night. Sunset 21 is the name I have given the party as we will be having dinner during sunset and it is for my 21st π
In between all of this I have been applying for jobs all over the country, working on my graduation dress with Mum, picking up extra shifts at work, working on a quilt and bludging as needed.
Oh and of course watching/listening to the cricket. It is day 2 of the first Ashes test and it’s looking for Australia at the moment. I am not a big sports fan but as I wander past the living room I will sit down on the couch and watch a couple of balls. It is also great seeing what The Fanatics and the Barmy Army are getting up to in showing their support for Australia and England respectively.
We had the most fantastic night last night! Eyes darting all over the scene in front of us, our ears enchanted by the music, laughing at the antics of the clowns, smiling as the artists performed in the aisle in front of us, whispering and pointing as we spot artists appearing in different locations, playing with the masks in the shop and just absorbing the Cirque atmosphere.
We went Cirque du Soleil last night to see our fourth tour – Varekai (well forth for Mum and Matthew, the third for me) and oh what a magical show it was. Mum had got us the best seats, we were twelve rows back and smack bang in the middle, everything was laid out in front of us! Those seats were fantastic! Apart from Mum, Matthew and I, Grandad and one of my best friends Sam also came along.
One of the great things about this show is that there is a local boy(man) in the show, Steven Bishop and his assistant had the us holding our sides as their clowning antics sent us into fits of laughter.
Once again we were mesmerised by the costumes and make-up and would love to be able to see all the costumes close up and feel the beauty in them.
Now I really want to find a way to go to Las Vegas for the night so I can see the LOVE show as how could you top the music of the Beatles with the artistry of Cirque du Soleil?
I just heard on the news that the USA has banned Vegemite, because according to their food laws only breads and cereals are allowed to contain folate, another source says that it might be that vegemite contains too much folate. *shakes heads*. When I went to the states in 2002, I carried three jars of the stuff with me and I remember the customs lady smiling at me when asking what food items I was carrying. I left one with my brother in San Jose, then onward to Iceland where I left another with another brother and finally on to Germany where I used it on my toast each morning.
It seems that the border patrols are targeting Australian travellers and searching for vegemite. I wonder though are they targeting Kiwis or Brits/UKers with their Promite and Marmite, both also yeast extracts and also contain folate? Perhaps Aussies are just more likely to travel with Vegemite than the others?
I heard Hugh Jackman on the radio the other month and he said that he tests his kids to make sure they are still “true blue” by presenting them with a vegemite sandwich and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; they still pick the vegemite sandwich he knows everything is alright.
Australia is vegemite.
We are happy little Vegemites as bright as bright can be,
We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea,
Our mummy says we’re growing stronger every single week,
Because we love our Vegemite,
We all adore our Vegemite,
It puts a rose in every cheek!
A couple of months ago, Gardasil the vaccine for four types of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18), which are four of the strains that account for the majority of cervical cancer and genital warts infections was released to the public in Australia with much fan-fare. Today I received my first shot in a three shot course which is given over six months. Gardasil may be pricey but for my parents, my doctor and I, it is the sort of thing where money shouldn’t be in equation, because the benefits far outweigh the initial outlay from the back pocket.
In saying that it will be a great day when it is added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme which would lower the cost and enable even more young women across Australia to access the vaccine. It will also be a great day when it is put on the National Immunisation Program Schedule for girls aged 12 years which will make it accessible to all the girls of Australia.
It will also be a great day for the team at local hospital that developed the vaccine. I can say today it feels pretty cool to receive a vaccine that was “grown in my backyard”, it also makes me proud of what they have done. Go Dr Ian Frazer and the team at the PA&UQ! For this work Dr Frazer was named the Australian of the Year for 2006 which really shows just how much of a breakthrough this vaccine is.
Whilst I was there I also started on my Hep A/B combined course since I had missed the Hep B whilst at school and it makes sense for future travel plans to get the Hep A as well (also makes it cheaper).
This means that I have matching bandages on both of my arms π