again a pretty random list.
Things I am thankful for, things I am happy for.
George Lucas, we watched the Revenge of the Sith
today. I was not that excited going in but when those words appeared on the screen. A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. :big grin on my face: It was sad though seeing Anakin change, Padmé die, the evil Palpatine.
But interesting thing I noted, when Padme was in the medical unit at the end. Yoda said this
“Save them, we must. They are our last hope”
of course the first/episode 4 SW movie was SW – A new hope. coincidence? I think not.
Sean, happily going with me to the uni library and holding book after book as I searched through the shelves for research for my next essay.
Cat Stevens, discovering more of his works, reminding me that the world is bigger than my house, that no matter how bad I think things sometime are, they are not, there is something good, something better.