I’m sure I’m not the only person who has held dreams or desires close to their heart for a long time. I’ve been intrigued and drawn to ballet for I don’t know how long. Through high school I was so self-conscious of my self and trying to do what I thought other people thought I should do or shouldn’t do, that I didn’t even think about taking up dance. I would watch dance movies over and over, I would close my bedroom door, look in the mirror and move my legs and arms around in semi-graceful attempts at some sort of dance but I would never ever do anything like that in front of other people or even voice the idea of doing such a thing.
About two months ago, the QPAC newsletter mentioned this place called 2Ballerinas and adult dance classes. I went to the website and read it many times over. The studios are just up and over the hill from us, the price was very reasonable, it was only ten weeks, the teaching staff have an incredible background. What did I have to loose? I ummed and I ahhhed. I mentioned it to a few people but that was it. Until I felt comfortable I wasn’t going to broadcast it.
I went to my first class clutching my new ballet slippers, totally unsure of what I was going to face. I met some new people and with both excitement and anxiety I took my place at the barre. As the last few weeks have progressed, I have gradually become more confident in what I do. Sure I spend half the class going “what the?” but then after repeating steps and movements over and over and counting in my head I start to get it.
After class on Saturday I felt fantastic. It had been a relatively challenging class and I was physically drained but I felt so good. Now if you ask me what I’m doing on Saturday, I’ll tell you I have dance class. This week I’m also going to start classes with another dance studio on Wednesday nights. I can’t wait π Now I dance.