I like sunsets

I was sitting in the kitchen eating just about to eat my dinner (smoked chicken noodle soup from the freezer) when I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful colours. I raced out the front door onto the footpath and went wow. I then raced back in and grabbed Rebecca, one of my flatmates to come out and have a look as well. She happened to have her camera in her hand so she started taking some photos. I then went hang on and raced back inside to grab my camera and a Grad ND. This is what I got.

04JAN09 Sunset over Auchenflower

04JAN09 Sunset over AuchenflowerRebecca watching the Sunset

props to anyone who knows where that title is inspired from.

Auchenflower Style

Yesterday and today I have moved into a gorgeous house in Auchenflower for the summer, the room is furnished with the most gorgeous 1920’s furniture with even more gorgeous 12ft ceilings. The kitchen has gas and it is just round the corner from the Auchenflower train station which is one zone closer to work on the train. Another great thing is that it is also close to the bike path which means I can and will ride/walk to work πŸ™‚
