
This was our lunch yesterday.


Simple, easy and oh so yummo.

I made the bread, not the best effort as I sort of forgot till it was too late the lack of gluten in corn flour. This meant that it was slightly lacking in the bread department and more in the chewy department. Nice but not what I wanted. Maybe next time.

I made the pesto as well (of course :)). I had been on the eye out for good looking basil at the fruit shop for quite a while now and it was always wilted and sad looking. On Sunday Mum and I went to a local farmers market where I picked up the freshest bunch of basil I have ever seen. The smell was gorgeous.

The grape tomatoes came from the markets for something like $2 for a large bag which was a total bargain.

To day Mum, Matthew and I are off to the Brisbane markets at Rocklea to explore and to pick up some gorgeous bargains in the way of fruit and veg. I know last time we picked up 5kg of cherries for $20 at a time when they were selling for $20/kg in the shops. πŸ™‚

Tonight I am off to see Madeleine Peyroux. Ohh it will be a delight. I was so delighted when I saw the ad in the paper back in October advertising the tour. I bought my ticket the day they went on sale I think πŸ™‚

Canoe Trip

The Noosa River, hey.

Day 1 was filled with logs, branches, tree trunks and more. As we maneuvered our canoes over, under, round the logs in the creek. They had a pretty decent storm in the area a couple of weeks ago which had of course brought more trees down into the river. However, we are all tough and after a handful of hours we made it to the junction of Teewah Ck and Upper Noosa River.

We were extremely lucky that we only had one big log that we had to totally unload the canoes to lift them over for. Whilst at times it felt crowded with 4 canoes in the creek, at times like this you really appreciate having multiple canoes as you have an easy place to unload gear into.

Going Over

Thinking back now, we did have a smaller log that we had to partially unload for but it was nothing compared to the one in the previous photo. Mum and I took water twice in the space of about 30/45mins on Teewah Ck when we didn’t quite aim for an opening between logs correctly. We of course also took water easier since our canoe had relatively less gear in it than the others since we were the only “couple” on the trip and thus shared a tent, cooking etc etc.

Whilst there were quite a few logs you could slip under by tucking down in the canoe or standing up and stepping over the log, there were still quite a number which you needed to walk the canoes through due to the mess the river was in. The one below is a two huge trees that had fallen across the creek with a lot of branches in between them. I was given the job of photographer up on one of the logs taking photos of everyone as they came through the logs etc.

These two photos also show a pretty good idea of what the creek is like for a fair bit of its path. How fun does it look?

Going under logs
The other side

(I should make a note, that along vast sections of the creek, the vertical banks were covered with sundews and I managed to spot a few with flowers still even though their flowering period ended in November. )
Like many Australian children, May Gibb’s Snugglepot and Cuddlepie was a large part of my childhood (coincidently today is her 130th birthday), so seeing the seed pods of the Banksia aemula or Wallum Banksia and then making the link to “Big Bad Banksia Men” made me smile. I also then referred to the the seed pods as Banksia Men whenever I saw them again.

Banksia Men
Doesn’t he look bad?

Here is Mum and I paddling in a pretty open section of the creek.

Mum and I

We were extremely thankful when the creek started to open up and the water began to get deeper as that meant we were closer to the mouth and then the short paddle down the river to Campsite 13. Just as we were last time we were “led” down the creek by an Azure Kingfisher (Alcedo azurea). It was cute to see it “wait” for us before flying further down stream.

I shared one of my reflection photos from Campsite 13 in the previous post so I will share the other one now. In the early morning the water is dead still and looks like a large mirror.


Day 2 was a relatively short paddle from Campsite 13 to Campsite 3 which only took 3 hours or so. Just before we reached Campsite 3, we stopped at a little sandy beach for a long lunch.

Lunch at the Sandy Beach

After we had set up camp, some people had a lazy time and the others explored the Wallum Heath behind the campsite, where we found an incredible range of plants. (I will post photos from here in the next post). Later that night

There is one thing in life that extremely freaks me out and that is cane toads. As far as I am concerned the sooner they find a way to destroy them, the better. Of course, Campsite 3 had to have some of the biggest toads I have seen, though thankfully, they seemed to limit themselves to down near the river and not up at the campsite. That however did not stop myself from wrapping myself up in my sleeping sheet, tucking my quilt round me and moving my thermarest more towards the middle of the fly.

Helen sleeping

I can report that whilst the cane toads stayed away from me the mozzies didn’t. (Why do I have to be the mozzie magnet?) Though thanks to the magic of the 80% Deet in Bushmans and Fexofenadine in Telfast, I was able to reduce the edge off the bites.

Day 3 was an optional trip up to the Cooloola Sandpatch and then over to the beach and back again. 2/3 of the group went on this walk. I don’t have photos from the trip. Think about that :). The other 1/3 of the group spent the day reading by the river, chatting to those who went past, swimming and napping.
This is the view up the river from the campsite
Upper Noosa River

Day 4
It had rained on and off through the night as it had the previous night and it was actually the rain that sent us all to bed the night before. We got up at 5am, had breakfast, broke camp and was on the river shortly before 6:30 as we aimed to get to Lake Cootharaba as early as we could in the afternoon before the wind and waves would arrive.

In the early morning the river was magical and we enjoyed observing the reflections, animal life and the changes in the vegetation as we changed from fresh to salt water as well as just the general vegetation changes due to the lay of the land. We stopped at Harry’s Hut for morning tea and a chance to take photos of the resident Lace Monitors (Varanus varius). I have to make a mention here of the wonderful morning and afternoon teas we had been provided by Aunty Susan in NZ. When Mum went over for NYE, she brought home a big slab of cathedral cake (stained glass cake/jeweled cake) which was pure heaven in a mouthful. When we go over in a couple of weeks for my cousin’s wedding I am getting that recipe!

Lace Monitor 1 at Harry's Hut

We kept up the pace and made our way through the everglades to Fig Tree Point where we went on a short boardwalk that took us through a range of vegetation but mainly through a Cabbage Tree Palm forest.

Cabbage tree palm

Then it was another shortish paddle to Kinaba Information Centre where we had our lunch on the decking, relaxed in the shade, watched the mullet swim in the waters below the centre, re-applied sunscreen and decided on the best course of action for crossing the lake.

Helen and Liz taking off

We were extremely lucky with the lake in that the wind was relatively low and hence the waves were not so rough. When we crossed it the last time I know we walked the canoes over a fair section of it (it is quite shallow in parts) so that we would actually make progress. Stopped in for a quick breather at Mill Point and then made the short distance to Elanda Point. Where we unpacked and throughly enjoyed the hot showers to remove the sand and dirt from the last couple of days. As well as the chance to stay under the shower for that little bit longer than we do in Brisbane due to the water restrictions.

On the way home we enjoyed a bite to eat in Pomona with Cathy and Liz, a visit to a patchwork shop just off the highway near Yandina and a visit to Grandad.

Over the course of the 4 days we paddled the 32km or so from Campsite 15 at the mouth of Teewah Creek to Elanda Point plus whatever the distance is from the Teewah Creek Pumping Station to the mouth of the creek. All in all I think it was a very successful outing for NPAQ with five members and one guest.

Back from the River

Well we are back from the Noosa River and oh what a time we had! Mostly gorgeous weather, good times and no accidents. Everything is now unpacked and washed, photos are sorted, uploaded and tagged to Flickr (well I am missing a few botanical names yet). I will do a series of posts in the coming days providing a write up of our time on the river. However, I will share a photo or two now which sum up the trip.

The upper Noosa River and Teewah Creek both are excellent mirrors. Early in the morning when the water is still or in sheltered parts, it is hard to tell if you are looking at the reflection in the water or the real thing.


This photo is mainly for two girls in my life who would probably be horrified if they saw our sleeping arrangements for the trip πŸ™‚

Our Fly

And to round it out, a photo of Mum and I on the last day at lunch before we battled the waves and made our way across the lake back to Elanda Point.

Mum and I at Kinaba

I am a little sore across my back but other than that I would jump back on the river in a heartbeat as it is the most beautiful place.

Under the Milky Way

I have worked full-time this week as my boss has been on holidays so the 2iC and I each got to step up in our roles. I look forward to my paycheck as 36/37odd hours on a casual rate is very nice even after the tax is taken out. Working that much this week has sort of put my job hunt on hold but I sort of look forward to getting back into the job hunt because I really want to find a job soonish.

Mum, I and some friends are heading off for a 4-day canoe trip in the morning so that will put the hunt on hold for a couple of days. We are paddling down Teewah Ck and Upper Noosa River to Elanda Point on Lake Cootharaba. The last time we did this trip was the summer of 2001/02 so it will be nice to see how it has changed and of course to get out on the water for a paddle. (This map shows the general area we are paddling in. To give a sense of scale, Lake Cootharaba is a about 11km from tip to tip.)

I went out for Low Tea earlier today with Ms Andrea to Queenies Tea House at Ascot and had a delightful time, chatting and eating and chatting and eating. I had a Chocolate Low Tea which gave me a selection of little chocolate treats like little tartlets, mousse, fudge etc with quite a nice pot of Organic Ceylon Pekoe. Andrea was very dainty and had the Traditional Low Tea which gave her a trio of ribbon sandwiches, some sweets and a few cherries. Her tea selection was a Japanese Sencha Quince which to me tasted like marshmallows. I am serious! After a leisurely “lunch” we looked in the windows of the shops on Racecourse Rd as they are all shut on Sundays and saw quite a few pretty things πŸ™‚

I should mention that a little over a week ago Mum and I went into the State Library to see the National Treasures exhibition before it closed and that was wonderful to see. Seeing Ned Kelly’s mask, Willis’s pistol, draft designs of the Sydney Opera House, Bradman’s Bat, design sheets of the classic EH Holden, Cpt Cook’s journal from the Endeavour, gorgeous artwork from the colonial era as well as some incredible botanical and zoological artwork and so much more. I urge you to explore the National Treasures webpage even if you aren’t Australian just to see some of the incredible things in the exhibition.

One of the first things you see in the exhibition is Jacob Cuyp’s painting of Abel Tasman with his wife and daughter. I dropped my jaw at the work of the restorers as this painting looked like it was painted yesterday not in 1637, the colours were so vivid and fresh.

When I wrote this earlier this arvo I didn’t think I would have a photo to share with this but whilst I was letting the post mature and thinking about a title (Untitled I?) I did a little chalk art out on the street much to my father’s disgust. The lady across the street and Mum appreciated my art though πŸ™‚


I was going to do a πŸ™‚ but my circle at the start went slightly pear shaped as you can see. Instead I ended up with just a face.

Mum and I also went to see The Queen last night and what a fantastic movie it was. I can definitely see it picking up a large swag of awards. Wow.

Stop acting like a bunch of E.roseicapilla

Pair of Galahs

This is a photo of Clare and I at the Mountain Goats at The Zoo last night. Oh wait wrong caption but we could be called a pair of Galahs I guess. Though this pair of Galahs are a male and female, like bird seed and spending their days flying about the Glasshouse Mountains so I probably quit whilst I am ahead.

The above photo is from earlier in the day when we went up to visit Grandad at the farm. Had a pretty quiet day at the farm, washed the car (much easier to do at the farm where there are no water restrictions like in Brisbane), picked beans, had lunch and had fun with my camera taking photos of a small selection of the birds who visit Grandad for his good looks and charming conversation (ok they like the bird bath and seed he leaves out, a girl has to have an imagination).

Once we had returned from the farm and I had had a short power nap it was into the valley to meet Clare to go to The Mountain Goats and John Vanderslice (JV) show at The Zoo.

It was Clare’s first ‘Goats show so she didn’t really have anything to compare it to so I am pretty sure she had a good time. I on the other hand well there were parts of the show I enjoyed such as Peter Hughes passing a bottle of Jameson’s around the crowd or the encore of covers or JV joining the boys on stage after a couple of songs and staying there for the rest of the night and providing some cool harmonies. Overall though compared to the last two ‘Goats shows this seemed to missing the magic, the crowd was a lot more somber and there was a lot less singing along and dancing at this show.

The biggest bummer of the night though was that they had sold of shirts the night before in Sydney πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™


I was to young (read: not even thought of) when Woodstock was on so instead I am heading up to Wood(ford)stock (Woodford Folk Festival) for the coming week with my brother who went up this morning and another one of my friends who will be there for a couple of days.

It is currently drizzling here (Rain, what is rain?). Which means that maybe I will get to wear my gumboots round the site at Woodford, I painted them up last night so my feet will not get lost in the crowd!

Woodford Stock GumBoots

Matthew and I are both going as volunteers which means we get free entry and camping in exchange for 5hrs work each day. I will be in the general store and Matthew will be working in one of the bars. I can’t wait for the bands to start playing tomorrow as there are so many bands that I know I want to see and I am sure there will be many others I will discover!

We come home on Jan 2nd so I don’t plan on been in contact before then. Have a good New Years and enjoy the rest of Boxing Day today πŸ™‚