If you don’t already know, I have a super cool Grandad. So cool that I made a layout about him and his greatness. A couple of minutes he rang up to ask if a plain china plate was fine to go in the microwave and I was the one who had the privilege of answering him. Since Grandmum died he has learnt so many things about household running, including what to and what not to put in the microwave by trial and error :). Our Grandad rocks!
giving blood
This evening, Mum and I popped into the Red Cross Blood Service in the city and gave blood for our second time together. Mum has donated whole blood heaps of times before and 3 months ago, I had my first donation with Mum and Karl.
My haemoglobin level the first time I gave blood was 121g/L(the min for females is 120g/L – I just scrape in) and in the allocated 15 mins I was not able to donate the 470mls, I think I was round 100mls short. I fainted the next morning and was unable to go to work, I am told – I have little memory of this happening.
Tonight again my haemoglobin level was 121g/L and I only was able to produce 380ml in my 15 mins, even after my chair was raised to full height in the name of gravity. I have band-aids on both arms as the first arm was an unsuccessful attempt (lots of pain) but the second one was fine.
Mum said she was suprised that I came again but even though I can’t stand giving blood, I dislike the needle going in, I dislike the pipe coming out my arm, my only strength is watching the number raise closer to 470mls in a race with Mum. I gave blood again even though it is not a pleasant experience for me, is because the hour or so I spend in at the donor centre is helping others, my donation can save up to three lives or contribute to 15 different forms of life saving or life improving blood products.
I am making a difference.
When was the last time you gave blood?
photos are up
photos – I now have all JPG photos from this year up on the website, I have two batches of RAW files to batch yet. Any comments about the layout, feeling, content etc please tell me.
one of those days
Today is one of those days when I wish …
… alcohol was never discovered by early man,
… alcohol was not a problem in my family,
… he would understand the pain we suffer,
… I wouldn’t come home to find him drinking,
… we could understand why he does it,
… people would understand what alcoholism is,
… people would not joke about alcholism,
… people would not encourage him,
… people would not question why I don’t have another drink,
… I did not have to act as a second parent.
… that I had more happy memories of him than negative/sad.
… that friends would see him before choosing to drink excessively.
… that alcohol was not what he uses to cope with his problems.
… that alcholism was given more attention in society.
… that I could have a had an alchol free childhood.
… that he had friends.
… that I had the money and means to move out.
… that I don’t expect things to always go bad for me.
I know that I can’t make him change,
I choose to drink, I don’t drink more than once or twice a month,
I do enjoy having a drink with friends.
I don’t see the appeal of drinking at home or at the pub by yourself.
I know that I can only change how I cope my self.
18 at Montazuma’s
Like my 18th dinner before him, Matthew chose to have his dinner at Montezuma’s. This time however Grandmum was not with us but Daisie and Sean were.
Lots of laughs, lots of silly poses for the camera, all spaced out in an interesting corner booth. Mum complained about the towel for a table cloth again.
Who had what?
All had Nachos to start
Pabbi & Grandad – Albondigas. Mum – Carne enchilada. Daisie – Chicken and sour cream enchilada. Matthew and Sean – Beef enchilada & beef burrito. Helen – Chicken and sour cream enchilada & cheese enchilada. We all went home very full and very happy. Still have to get him an 18th presant though. mmmm
As we were leaving Sean and I started talking about REM and the fact that they are playing in Brisbane next Tuesday (Mar 29th) and there is still tickets left. We had decided to go to Jack Johnson this Thursday night and well now I can say is “Shiny, Happy People” next Tuesday. Love ya Sean π
Pabbi is off to bridge today. It doesn’t sound very exciting but it is so much. Since Pabbi retired, it has being hard all round but especially hard for him. Days are spent sleeping or drinking. Over the weekend it got especially bad as his thoughts turned sour. Thoughts that none of us were ready for. Mum and him had a good chat and today he is off to his first social event other than work that does not include family since coaching discus probably ten years ago.
Pabbi and I often have our disagreements but today I am proud of him and here is to more Wednesday mornings, when I see him walk out the door, dressed up and saying I am off to bridge, see you this afternoon.
The tide is turning.