Old Spice, your number is up

Good-Bye Old Spice
Old Spice

When I moved out of home, I used these old jars to store my spices in. They were free, they matched and it worked.

Hello New Spice
New Spice, 178/365

Before Christmas I came across an auction on ebay for these pretty spice canisters. The auction was only for the green canisters but the lady added the blue ones as a treat. I quite like the green ones but I adore the blue ones!

The blue ones do contain what is named on the outside. The green ones though? Only the oregano one contains oregano. The garni one contains garam masala, the sage one has turmeric in, the rosemary one has cumin in etc. An additional upside is that they fit better in my spice box as well.

Other topics
I am having a great time discovering the 100 things we didn’t know last year over on the BBC site. I especially like #85, #63, #39 and #48. #48 was drawn on LSED today as well!

I would love a pair of these tights, I’m thinking the vein/artery ones, though I do adore just about all of them. So Quirky! A lovely change from the standard patterned tights.

I’m 24 and you think by now that I would have learnt that if you put hot water in a container, put the lid on and shake. The odds are very much stacked against you if you think the lid would stay on… The most recent demonstration of this phenomenon was on Monday morning, I was washing out my yoghurt container. Let me just say hot youghurty water all over the kitchen at work and all over my black dress…. Yeah great way to start the week Helen!

Today, yesterday, the day before etc

I, Helen Thura Palsson, make a commitment, that I in 2010 will post more regularly and bite the bullet and get some of my backlog taken care of. HP 1010 09JAN10.

Mango! 175/365
Mango! Mango! Mango! Mango for all winter long, well maybe a month or two. Mum and I met up at the Kelvin Grove markets today and the most amazing buy was a tray of Honey Gold Mangos. Honey Golds are literally gold! They are my favourite mangos by a mile, the name describes them perfectly. Golden flesh and a sweet taste. We both got a tray of 15 for $14 each! We got a $1 discount because we bought the two trays.. Normally Honey Golds sell for between $3-4 each at the shop so we got a fantastic buy. I peeled, sliced and packed 10 of the mangos and now have 14 bags in the freezer of honey golden mango goodness!

My first Shiny Brite, 174/365
My first set of Shiny Brite ornaments

Oh yes car, 173/365
I went to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy on Thursday night and they were just so much fun. I got frocked up in mostly era appropriate clothes and just danced!

A dreary city, 172/365
Walking home today along the river, the city just looked so dreary!

Handle with Care, 171/365
I just love this note that was written on the back of a parcel I received a few days ago.

Helen nail polish for Helen, 170/365
I put this polish on my toes today and whilst I love the colour, I’m not to sure about the quality. The bristles on the brush are really short which made putting it on a little different to my other nail polishes. At the end of the day, the colour is fantastic and the colour is named Helen!

The Ocean, 169/365
The end of a 36hr oh so getaway to Double Island Point. I love how the water ripples over the sand.

the end of the line, 168/365
We came across this dugong carcass on the beach up at Double Island Point.

A little late, 167/365
My little pink pony Christmas tree.
One ornament a day from the 1st till the 24th. My own tradition.

Hy-drain-ga-s, 166/365
Hydrangeas from the farm, I just love those colours

A movie!, 165/365
It took me till day 165 to post a movie! I love how the banner flutters in the breeze. You will have to click on the photo to go to Flickr to watch the movie.

A pretty for me, 164/365
I went to the Paddington Antique market to see if I could find any Christmas decorations (and I did!). I walked past this necklace a few times and kept coming back to it. Now it is mine. The stone is a blue topaz. I adore it!

Summer Dinner, 163/365
Nothing says summer like handful of prawns, a summer ale and a home-made dipping sauce (coconut cream, sweet chilli sauce, toasted sesame seeds and a dash of sesame oil.

Bed re-dressed, 162/365
My purchase at the Boxing Day sales, very lovely, high thread count sheets. I just love how the white linen looks with the quilt.

Chair, Booze TTV, 161/365
I spent Boxing Day morning cleaning out my childhood room. I only have a few drawers left to go through which I will do in the coming weeks. On the 27th, I had this terrible feeling in my stomach that I had forgotten to take a photo on the 26th. I had forgotten all about playing with this camera and taking this photo! phew!

The time is near

You might have gathered that I have done a lot of baking over the last week or so. Tonight it all came together to look like this.
Packed and ready to go, 156/365

25 boxes full of Christmas sweets. I’ll take more photos tomorrow in better light of the boxes as all I have done since I got home from work round 5 is bag up goodies, pack and wrap the boxes. Ready for bed now!

Just about all done

Every last little bit, 155/365

I now have only one thing left to make for my biscuit boxes and I will do that tomorrow night as well as decorating the boxes so the first set are ready to be packed on Tuesday morning to take to work.

This is just such a striking song, the video clip makes it more so.

Another night in the kitchen

making brittle
I had a second go at making brittle tonight and it was much more successful than the first as I didn’t get the temperature hot enough on the first batch. This time though I reached and maintained crack and now I have a tray each of hazelnut brittle and pistachio brittle. So Good!

Making Loftkökurs :D, 152/365

I was extremely lucky that Karl managed to find me a biscuit extruder piece in Iceland so I was able to make Loftkökur myself on my mixer in my house. Otherwise I would have had to have used Mum’s mixer and her attachment. When it arrived though, the extruder piece did not fit through the opening on the mincer. I was lucky that my cousin was able to take it in to the shed and shave off some of the plastic and now it fits. I made about five trays of Loftkökur tonight and I had forgotten all about the hit of ammonia you get when you open the oven door for the first time. Youch!

I also rolled about a third of a batch of the the apricot/sunshine balls but after rolling three batches of rum balls yesterday my poor hands couldn’t cope!

On a side note I’m not at all happy with QR at the moment. Last night they pressure cleaned that station (It does look a whole lot cleaner now) but oh the noise!!! It was so bad that closing all the doors and windows only made a minor difference. It got to a point where I ended up taking a Mersyndol to dull the headache it was giving me and to put me to sleep as I had tried for about two hours to go to sleep. Normally when QR is doing track or station work we get a leaflet in the letterbox advising of us such. We didn’t get a leaflet for last night, which makes me really unimpressed. Let me tell you that I’m ringing QR tomorrow to have a wee chat!

sticking to a timeline

not just any Vegemite jar, 151/365
Not just any Vegemite jar, 151/365. This is the Hartshorn salt jar. Empty because I finished off the supply we have making Loftkökur tonight.

This afternoon when I got home I rolled the rum balls and made the Loftkökur mixture. Tomorrow night I will bake the loftkökurs and the pfeffernüsse and possibly even roll the sunshine (apricot) balls. Friday night I will most likely make another batch of brittle and bake some of the biscuit dough in the freezer. Saturday and Sunday will see me bake biscuits and ice the lot of them. That should hopefully mean that by Sunday arvo all the Christmas baking will be done.