links, pictures and oh the most beautiful house

This photo makes me quite sad. I know it would have been quite a feat for these men to chop down this tree but look at the girth of it. That tree had seen so many years pass as it grew and grew and grew in the forest and then it was felled and turned into various wooden products. Can you imagine seeing a tree that had a trunk that large???

Almedahls made a Figgjo Lotte tablecloth and place mats back in the day. I’ve seen one set of place mats and two tablecloths come up for auction on ebay recently and they all alluded me by a whisper. In my search for more infomation I came across this lovely blog post, unfortunately I’m yet to figure out to enter captcha when it is in Japanese so I’ve not been able to comment.

Are these not the loveliest street shoes you’ve seen? There are some other shoes in the Nike Liberty collection but the above are by far the prettiest. le Sigh, they no longer have my size.

now onto houses.

Here we have a house that is so very Queensland built in the late 70s nearing the end of the Modern design. The listing is here and it’s in Pinjarra Hills if you’re looking for a new house.. That magnificent double height living area with all that glass…

now we step back a few decades and land ourselves in Bundaberg or Bundy as you may prefer to call the town.

When I first came across this listing, oh my heart jumped. Those curves, those windows, that price, the arches, the kitchen cabinetry, the ceiling panels, the mirror above the fireplace, the curve feature stairs. Oh, I could go on and on and on and on. $235k, that’s what they are asking. Gosh, if only I didn’t already have a mortgage. Some one please buy it now and sell it to me in a handful of years please?

I mean look at that house, all it needs is an update to the bathroom and some accent paint on the external features and oh, it would be so lovely. I tell you, you live in that house and you wouldn’t even think you were living in Bundy! In fact that house doesn’t even look it belongs in Bundy!

Smile at the moon, I can’t decide which photo I like most.

Good night.


I’m about to head off to spend the day at Uni working on a group assignment. I’m hoping though that I’ll be able to meander through the old botanic gardens this afternoon as the spring flowers in there at the moment are divine.

On spring flowers, here are mine. I planted primulas in the front bed and oh it is so lovely to have flowers in the garden again. As a kid we used pick the flowers and spin the stalks round and round between our palms pretending they were Catherine wheels.

I didn’t plant the clover but looks almost as pretty.

When I mowed the lawn, I couldn’t stand the thought of mowing down all those pretty clover flowers so I left a square of flowering clover in the front lawn πŸ™‚
Clover Square

Now for a collection of links and the likes.

Ten People Who Observe Birthdays on 9/11 – Whilst American based, I can certainly attest to quite a number of statements made.

I can’t stop listening to this cover of Back in Black by Will Shine
Will Shine Γ’β‚¬β€œ Back in Black (AC/DC cover) by the3penguins

The Iceland AFL team recently hosted Norway in the first ever international game in the country, my brother was of course there to capture all the action. I particularry liked how they rigged the goal posts up.

Shiney Flaggy Purse also available with more Union Jack and less stars.

Now I’m off to spend the day with my head buried in the AASBs.

another Sunday of pale grey clouds

This photo is from Friday night, I did a touch of ironing and just as I was about to turn off the light, I looked at the light and went I think need to take a photo of this.

It is yet another dreary Sunday, the sun is hiding behind the pale grey clouds which deliver a sprinkle of rain every so often. And there is no better way to make those clouds a little brighter than with a few things that I’ve been liking these past few days.

Crown Street Public School has released a cook book called Crown Street Cooks which from the preview is 100% Surry Hills. Gosh I’ve not spent much time in Surry Hills at all, but those few days there last year are still firm in my heart. And what better way to remember Crown Street than a song about Crown Street.

Crown Street by Women in Docs
[audio:Women in Docs – Crown Street.mp3]

I’m loving this Orchid lamp shade by Alex Earl

Rolling Stone has published 20 inside photos from Mad Men in black and white of course and whoa they are amazing photos. Sadly there is only two episodes left of season 4 πŸ™

and that is three very lovely things.

Riverfire tonight

It’s Riverfire tonight and it is quite windy… We’ll have to see how it pans out but fireworks and the amount of wind we’ve got at the moment tends not to make a good show.

This is the last year for the F-111, well so they say since last year was meant to be the last as well, frankly I’ll believe it when it doesn’t do a flyover next year …. There are no Roulettes this year which is quite a πŸ™ for me. I love seeing them doing all their formations etc instead there’ll be some Black Hawks flying about …

Riverfire from the Beach at Captain Burke Park

I made pizza muffins earlier – basically this recipe but with more veggies in. They’ll be snack food tonight along with some Lebanese pastries I picked up on the way home from uni this morning.

I had my first uni exam this morning, 9am on a Saturday … I was fairly confident going in, going out well, I’m still confident I’ll get a decent mark but not as confident as I was going in.

Some collected links from the last little while which I’ve been meaning to share.

The weeks goes round and round

Bringing the 365 photos up to date and a few links that I’ve collected.

This is cracking me up – Angry Norwegians

I adore the ability to JFGI or the more polite JGI, if I want to know something, it’s just a matter of tying in a few words and seeing what I get in return. This Google ad makes me smile.

I like this news. Really not at all liking this news. As much as I love this “urban wasteland” as it is for want of a better term, it could do with some developing. This proposal though is soooo not the answer. A scaled down version perhaps, I would like to see something like the Kelvin Grove Urban Village, a mix of public affordable and private housing, a vast green space and without the grocery store – so many options around here already.

When I first saw this on Mad Men, it really irked me but the more I see it, the more it makes me smile.
[youtube 2wKoVAQkGLc]

The last *few* 365 photos.
About time, 210/365
About time, 210/365
I’ve been thinking about a better way to store my shoes for awhile, mainly to free up some more space in my wardrobe. Went to Indro yesterday and picked up a rack. Love it!

Not my train, 209/365
Not my train, 209/365
After work on Friday, I caught up with Georgie for a browse of the shops and a movie, saw Valentine’s Day. Lots of laughs and a teary moment or two ie *that scene with Julia Roberts*.

Waiting, 208/365
waiting, 208/365
QR to say the least is having a *few* problems with the trains and signals at the moment.

Mr Pelican, 207/365
Mr Pelican, 207/365
From my Origami a day

Breakfast partners, 206/365
Breakfast partners, 206/365
I’m subscribing to The Australian again and wondering why I stopped!

Back in the Orange, 205/365
Back in the Orange, 205/365
SES went back last week after the summer break. Monday nights now mean orange overalls again.

It has rained, 204/365

Not even one bite pears, 203/365
not even one bite pears, 203/365
Found at the Kelvin Grove Markets

Matching Nails, 202/365
matching nails, 202/365
All of a sudden noticing that your nails match the binding tape on a PM004? pretty funny, nails are Changeling Midnight by Kit.

Oh Toowong Library, 201/365
Oh Toowong Library, 201/365
The feeling when all your holds come in at once? Overwhelmed at which book to read first.

Dude, that ain’t a car park, 200/365
Dude, that ain't a car park, 200/365
This ning-nong, couldn’t be f’ed finding a car park, so decided to just park on the footpath instead.

What a view, 199/365
What a view, 199/365
They are doing a fit out on the ground floor of our building and the plans are spread out on this bankers desk. I have a feeling if I sat at the desk doing my work I wouldn’t get much done!

Such a lovley colour car, 198/365
Such a lovley colour car, 198/365
I adore this shade of blue

rain, rain, rain, 197/365

Care to bowl? 196/365
Care to bowl? 196/365
A set of lawn bowls with very lovely markings for sale at the Salvos at Alderley.

a drop, 195/365
a drop, 195/365
Starting Friday we have had on and off rain.

Knit Graffiti in Stones Corner, 194/365
Knit Graffiti in Stones Corner, 194/365

Wilted, 193/365
Wilted, 193/365
Summer is here and the plants show how I feel.

I want to say, 192/365
I want to say, 192/365
There has been some stencil poetry popping up round Auchenflower/Toowong in the last month or so. I quite like this one.

Breakfast, Dinner, Desert, 191/365
Breakfast, Dinner, Desert, 191/365
Breakfast/Dinner – fruit salad, yoghurt and toasted muesli.
Desert – replace the yoghurt with frozen yoghurt!

Puzzling about, 190/365
Puzzling about, 190/365
At the bookfest I picked up a few puzzles to occupy my time instead of bumming round the net. Since I don’t have a space where I can keep a puzzle out, I picked up a puzzle mat as well πŸ˜€ This puzzle is just about all done now too, I only have the sky left to finish.

Fishing Cake, 189/365
Fishing Cake, 189/365
Grandad wanted a plain fruit cake with no icing for his cake. I couldn’t leave it undecorated though! We used to play with this fishing set when we were kids at the farm..

Gorgeous Sky, 188/365
Gorgeous Sky, 188/365
Last Friday we had a gorgeous sunset, this however was the view to the east which I much preferred.

And that’s a wrap!