The other week at the farm I took the 135mm, sigh that is one lens I sure do love.
My exam is on Friday, this is what my desk looks like at the moment.
Do you spy that plaque near my tea cup? This is a scan of it. It’s a Figgjo (my favourite Norwegian company) Utfart wall plaque. The discolouration in the glazing is most likely from where it has been hung with a wire which has leached into the glaze. If I ever hang this baby it will be with good strong string or similar.
And that is the end of this short post of pictures
I’m/We/A group of us are going to see Gainsbourg on Wednesday night at Palace Centro. I received an email a few weeks ago offering free tickets so I thought why not. I recognised the name but typical of me could not place a song title or the like.
I finally got round to watching the trailer and it looks really good – yeah it’s a bio-pic but the music, the setting, the people, it’s all good.
The Trailer
Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin – Je T’Aime Moi Non Plus
and moving on….
I came home today to find a little red box sitting on the counter, a Pósturinn box. A birthday present from halfway round the world. I then artfully arranged the contents for a photo, with a sort of building blocks theme … note the Give Way sign, I like getting that sign in photos I take on the deck.
mmm Prince Polo bars, a Hraun bar (sort of like the Icelandic version of a Picnic – as in a chocolate bar that looks a bit ugly but is pretty tasty) and an obligatory chocolate liquorice bar – I’m no fan of liquorice but some things just have to be sent. More importantly in the parcel were two jars of jam. One marked Red Lava 2010 and the other RGH2 Sept 2010. The Red Lava is a chilli jam, a “flavour bomb” for want of a better phrase, the other RGH2 is redcurrant, honey and ginger. I think RGH2 will go pretty well on the fruit toast.
I also finished uploading all my photos from the Iceland trip on the weekend – just have some video to get up at some stage. Go have a looksie, ahh I wonder when I will get to Iceland again.
and with that tomorrow, I get my stitches taken out 🙂
Well the surgery went a lot better than I thought in fact the surgery itself only probably took about 15-20 minutes. After all, it was just a matter of cutting a section of the gum, drilling a hole in my jaw, screwing a screw in and stitching the gum back up.
The pain was less than I expected but still pain. Talking wasn’t something I really enjoyed, in fact moving my jaw in general has not been the most enjoyable feeling. I had Thursday and Friday off work and spent most of the time in bed. Today though I’m feeling better than yesterday but still sore.
I could totally post a picture but I think most people are fine not seeing a picture of a swollen/bruised gum with stitches in. Correct? I thought so.
Moving onto other topics.
If you are in SEQ today, ignoring the wind isn’t it the most glorious day? Clear blue skies, the sun is shining, the washing is dry etc etc
Remember the M-Cups from a few years ago? They were the basis of many presents that I gave. Well those people at Fred have now introduced M-Spoons. Oh yeah, I want a set of M-Spoons.
In 20 mins or so I will leave to catch the train into the city to go to my appointment.
I’m a lot calmer now than I was 30 minutes ago (thank you Clipper Earl Grey, one of my best buys in London). The last 12hrs or so have seen me freaking out ever so slightly about today. Mostly about the two Mersyndol Forte tabs I have to take before the appointment – I know what two normal Mersyndol tabs do to me and that is only 19.5mg of codeine phosphate, the two Forte tabs will be dosing me up on 60mg of codeine phosphate. It’s all in the name of the game to reduce the pain during and following the surgery but still. Also about the idea that I’m getting a screw put into my jaw, which is of course not without any risk of something else happening.
Here I am this morning.
Yesterday, the orthodontist took off my top arch wire along with the brackets on my 11 and 13. It feels so good to be able to run my tongue over my teeth and actually feel teeth instead of metal and to be able to feel my teeth between the brackets. So looking forward to finally hopefully going braces free in a few months!
and an obligatory drug shot.
Well now I’m off to take some drugs and to go visit the wizard…
This photo is from Friday night, I did a touch of ironing and just as I was about to turn off the light, I looked at the light and went I think need to take a photo of this.
It is yet another dreary Sunday, the sun is hiding behind the pale grey clouds which deliver a sprinkle of rain every so often. And there is no better way to make those clouds a little brighter than with a few things that I’ve been liking these past few days.
Crown Street Public School has released a cook book called Crown Street Cooks which from the preview is 100% Surry Hills. Gosh I’ve not spent much time in Surry Hills at all, but those few days there last year are still firm in my heart. And what better way to remember Crown Street than a song about Crown Street.
Crown Street by Women in Docs
[audio:Women in Docs – Crown Street.mp3]
Rolling Stone has published 20 inside photos from Mad Men in black and white of course and whoa they are amazing photos. Sadly there is only two episodes left of season 4 🙁
I went to the prosthodontist yesterday, one x-ray later (gosh knows how many x-rays I’ve had over the years), a feel of my roots, a look at my teeth and
I’m booked in for the first stage of the implant procedure next Thursday 🙂 8 Sleeps to go. Hoping that all goes well I should have a full smile by Australia Day 🙂 No more gap 🙂 In saying that I’ve had metal in my mouth long enough to know nothing is certain till it’s done.
This photo is from 10mths ago so my teeth have moved have a fair bit but it does show the gap. The gap that after 14 odd years is going to be filled 🙂