This is my Mum, I have talked about her a bit on this blog of mine but I don’t think you have seen many photos of her, well today you are getting a double header!
May 4-6 is The World’s Greatest Shave to Care and Cure or commonly know as “Shave for a Cure”. This event is one of the largest fundraising efforts in Australia each year and helps provide much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia.
When approached by her students Mum said if they were able to raise $2000 themselves she would get her head shaved. When she came home from school yesterday they were only $100 short so it was pretty much a known fact that she would be loosing her hair today. Her school actually ended up raising a bit over $2500. Good on them!
Last year (or the year before?) Mum’s older sister Margaret had her very long hair shaven off so Aunty Susan as the next sibling in the line, we think it might be your turn next year π
What can I say but dude, my Mum rocks!