hair this morning, gone this afternoon

This is my Mum, I have talked about her a bit on this blog of mine but I don’t think you have seen many photos of her, well today you are getting a double header!

May 4-6 is The World’s Greatest Shave to Care and Cure or commonly know as “Shave for a Cure”. This event is one of the largest fundraising efforts in Australia each year and helps provide much needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation of Australia.

When approached by her students Mum said if they were able to raise $2000 themselves she would get her head shaved. When she came home from school yesterday they were only $100 short so it was pretty much a known fact that she would be loosing her hair today. Her school actually ended up raising a bit over $2500. Good on them!

Last year (or the year before?) Mum’s older sister Margaret had her very long hair shaven off so Aunty Susan as the next sibling in the line, we think it might be your turn next year πŸ™‚





What can I say but dude, my Mum rocks!

look at the time

hehe I stayed up πŸ™‚

now I am just thinking should I get up in 6 hrs so I could have 04/05/06 07:08:09?


shirts and a scarf

Threadless is having a $10 tee sale for the next couple of days until May 8, so if there were any shirts that you like I would pick them up now! I ordered 7 earlier πŸ™‚ With the shipping to Australia included they work out to be a bit less than AU$16 each which is quite a bargain considering to buy a similar shirt here in Aus I would probably be looking at AU$25-35 at least.

So yeah go pick up a $10 shirt at threadless, they make you happy πŸ™‚ In case you are wondering about sizes, I wear the girly XL, which is a little tight round the breast area but as long as I don’t wear a bra that enhances them it is all good. The next size up from the girly XL is the mens medium. Also if you use the coupon code SUPER TEES it will take a further $3 off your total and if you total is over $50 use the coupon code PARSONS-NYC and save $5 off your purchase πŸ™‚
Palm Tree Scarf
This is a scarf that I crocheted on the bus to and from uni a little while ago and on the weekend I finally got round to weaving in all the loose ends and packaging it up to be sent round the world to a friend who lives in a very cold place and I think could use some cheering up with the warm colours of the scarf when it is dark and cold in winter. Although I guess since it is coming into summer in the northern hemisphere she won’t get much use out of it for a while πŸ™‚

It is all crocheted in half-double or half-treble depending on which country you come from and which crochet language you use.

I was searching round the garden as the best place to photograph the scarf and when I spotted the palm trees in the driveway I just knew it would just look cool tied round the trunk πŸ™‚

… what I want …

My essay for this week is done, only three more to go! yeah!

Totally inspired by this layout by MG – The easiest kind

... what I have now ...

I have been doing some thinking, well actually I am always thinking in fact my brain feels like it is going 200km/hr most of the time making connections between things and thoughts, you know the six degrees of Kevin Bacon thing? that is what my thought process is like. I think of one thing that makes me think of one thing and suddenly I am no where near where I started off πŸ™‚

One day I would love to find a phrase I have penned in a big important book of quotes, because that would rock πŸ™‚

the ‘goats

Work, write, work, study, write, write, write, eat and create. I needed to take a break from writing so thought a little time spent creating would be just right πŸ™‚ All the supplies bar the fonts are TracyAnn of course!

the 'goats