The Final Countdown

The day that will have the biggest impact on my life so far is almost here. In three days time I will be at the board presenting myself as best I can. The last couple of days I have been busily going over my notes, talking to people, writing new notes, reading reports and more. My desk seriously looks worse now then it ever did when I was at uni.

We picked Mum up from the airport this arvo. It will be a bit of a change having her home again after three weeks away. We have fallen into a system since she has been away and as of tonight that will all be out the window and it will be back to how it was before she went away. In saying that though it very nice to have her home again and to hear all her stories about the sights she has seen out west.

There was an excellent piece of news tucked away in the Higher Education supplement of The Australian yesterday about Asian Studies or more precisely titled the return to Asian Studies not only in universities across Australia but in the school systems as well if Labor wins the upcoming election. I let out a little cheer in the tearoom at work where I was reading the paper and then proceeded to send messages out to various friends either current or former Asian Studies students telling them of the story. In particular it made me think of one of my dear friends Sam who I met in my first year Indonesian class and in a couple of weeks will complete her degree to be a secondary Indonesian teacher and the fact that if Labor wins (as they very well should) her future looks much brighter if a greater focus is made on putting Asian languages and in particular Indonesian into more schools across the country. Kevin Rudd is an Asian Studies man, he did his degree though at ANU and had first class honours to go with it. The electorate that he represents though is Griffith, the very electorate that holds the university that I went to, Griffith University and when Griffith Uni was opened in 1975, one of the four subject areas it offered was Asian Studies. It all seems quite linked together when you look at it. Here though is to the future of Asian Studies not only in Australian universities but Australian schools.

glad rags and OJ in champers flutes

I have donned my glad rags and I am off to the Redcliffe Cultural Centre tonight to drink OJ out of champagne flutes and to eat assorted nibbleys whilst looking at the entrants in this years Queensland Quilters Challenge. The challenge fabric this year was a doozy and I can’t wait to see what people have done with it. I can’t find a photo of Mum’s quilt at the moment but will put one up later tonight.

And a photo of me from today. I think this is the most me self portrait I have ever taken. I love it.

oh and I found myself listening.

Where I Stand
Missy Higgins

wow. what a night. I don’t think I could ever get sick of hearing her voice live, it has this whole extra level that you don’t get on the CDs or radio, it is the level that wraps itself round you and makes you feel the music in your little toe. There were so many times I turned round to face Andrea and we both had this look of enchantment on our faces.

Missy Higgins

More photos to come later of course and some better writing. For now though, listen.

Elliott Smith, TV and the Bowls Club

At the moment I am listening to Confusion, a collection of unreleased live songs by Elliott Smith. It is a really great collection of his songs which have never been released and the sound quality is amazing. Pure Elliott. I hope to get the new album New Moon when I go to work on Saturday, I have listened to a few songs off it on various MP3 blogs and the album’s myspace and I am very much waiting to listen to the 2 CDs through.

I watched two really great TV shows in the past week (both on the ABC of course) , the first was Wildlife in a Warzone which looked at how wildlife numbers are coping in Sierra Leone as well a curious first trip home in fifteen years for the “host” Sanjayan Muttulingam. All in all very interesting, especially finding out that since the end of the civil war in 2002 personal ownership of guns has been banned in SL, which has had a secondary effect of reducing the number of protected animals that were been hunted. The other was of course Bastard Boys, a dramatised telling of the 1998 waterfront dispute, I felt that it was really well put together and can see it picking up a few awards this year. Of course it caused a lot of debate round the net, in the papers, on the radio etc as to if it was Howard Bashing and free advertising for Labor or using it as an example of the bias in the ABC it went on and on.

I went for a walk to Aldi today and took this photo on the way there. It is the Chermside Bowls Club that is just round the corner from our house and in a couple of week we are having a barefoot bowls day there for work, which will be heaps of fun 🙂
Chermisde Bowls Club