Today is the day

In 20 mins or so I will leave to catch the train into the city to go to my appointment.

I’m a lot calmer now than I was 30 minutes ago (thank you Clipper Earl Grey, one of my best buys in London). The last 12hrs or so have seen me freaking out ever so slightly about today. Mostly about the two Mersyndol Forte tabs I have to take before the appointment – I know what two normal Mersyndol tabs do to me and that is only 19.5mg of codeine phosphate, the two Forte tabs will be dosing me up on 60mg of codeine phosphate. It’s all in the name of the game to reduce the pain during and following the surgery but still. Also about the idea that I’m getting a screw put into my jaw, which is of course not without any risk of something else happening.

Here I am this morning.
smile before

Yesterday, the orthodontist took off my top arch wire along with the brackets on my 11 and 13. It feels so good to be able to run my tongue over my teeth and actually feel teeth instead of metal and to be able to feel my teeth between the brackets. So looking forward to finally hopefully going braces free in a few months!

and an obligatory drug shot.
Today is the day, they ply me with drugs

Well now I’m off to take some drugs and to go visit the wizard…

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