and it keeps getting better

I put $20 into the work lotto pool yesterday for the first time in almost a year because I’m feeling a little lucky at the moment.

Rainbow teeth.
Two weeks to go

A little while ago, I made a deal with my then post grad orthodontist that for the very last time I got colours put on, I would get a rainbow. Well two post grad orthos later and I now have rainbow colours. It’s quite a change from the black I’ve chosen for most of my changes in the last few years.

I went to the orthodontist today and left a pretty happy lady. I’m getting de-banded (that means getting the braces off in slightly fancy orthodontist speech) in two weeks. YAY, the end of this metal in the mouth since 1996 saga is almost over.

I’m waiting to hear back in the morning from my prosthodontist as to when the last few appointments will be.

Happy Times πŸ™‚

One Reply to “and it keeps getting better”

  1. You’ll feel fabulous when those braces come off!

    You know, I’m missing that exact same tooth that you seem to be … my mother said the school dental van pulled out the wrong tooth (the adult one) … I don’t remember it happening though. I got braces in Year Ten and loved having them … I’m so pleased now that my parents we able to let me get braces.

    You’ll feel like a new woman!! Albeit a littleless colourful!

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